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Academic Interviews: Questions to Ask

After being on the academic job market for a full year (while also being a full-time academic), my first instinct is to never think or talk about that harrowing experience ever again. My second impulse, thankfully, is to attempt to share some of what I learned along the way with others who might soon be in a similar position.

The process of securing a faculty position seems simple enough: send out as many resumes as possible until someone calls you. Of course, it’s much more convoluted and nuanced than that. It is an exhausting process that certainly had me questioning myself, my skills, and my suitability for faculty life more than once. It was also an opportunity for me to practice honing my message, refine my understanding of myself and my interests, and—ultimately—receive the validation that I am pursuing the career that is right for me.

The intention of this post is to share the long list of questions to consider asking at an interview, which I compiled throughout my application and interview process. These questions are specifically related to a tenure-track job at a teaching-centered college, but there are useful things no matter the venue. I think this preparation was important in the process that now finds me in a tenure-track faculty position.


  • Use your questioning to show off your knowledge of the institution you’re at, your particular skills and interests, and that your interests and skills match their needs and missions

  • Tailor yourself to the institution, but don’t overdo it

  • Don’t be so worried about making a good impression that you neglect to get the information you need to make an educated decision given the opportunity (though, if offered a position, you can always follow up with more questions then)

  • Even if someone tells you something, get the really important stuff in writing in your offer letter

I hope you’ll comment with your thoughts about the list or with additions or questions. And, of course, there are several keys steps before you get to the point of needing this list – let me know what other aspects of the process you would like to hear about (cover letters, teaching statements, evidence of teaching effectiveness)!

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